Thursday, May 24, 2012

Having Fun!

I am behind on updating everyone on Nicole's latest adventures, so here is a rundown:

I recently read on a blog that a great activity for toddlers is to hand them several stacking cups and let them explore. Don't give guidance or direction, just let them play and explore. I did this for Nicole and it has kept her busy for 20+ minutes on several occasions.....however, occasionally I do jump in and play (I can't let her have all the fun!).
Here is a picture of the cards we made for Nicole's wonderful grandparents!! We really don't know what we would do with out them in our lives!!

Nick and Nicole made me a beautiful card that says: "I love you with all my fingers and toes". It amazes me to compare her hand print on my shirt from last Mother's Day to the handprints in the card!

After church, she decided to have some playtime in the front yard!

She did stop waving for long enough to wave goodbye to dad's boat!

We spend almost all of our freetime outside playing with the hose! On occasion I get the smart idea to put her in a swimsuit before we go out to play. Aunt Hannah would be proud of Nicole's patriotic swimsuit!

A while ago we had a painting play date at our house. Imagine Nicole painting with 3 other one year olds and one 2 year old! We had so much fun and got paint everywhere!

Happy Birthday Aunt Stacy!! We were invited to share in Stacy's birthday celebration at Don Jose's and Nicole had her first sampling of salsa. This is one area where she is more like her dad than her mom! She LOVED the salsa!! She would dip her chip (after a while it was a fork because I had to take away the chips due to her choking on one) before every bite! She even managed to eat one of the big pieces of tomato in the salsa!

Of course with this wonderful weather, we have spent lots of time at the park! The swing is her favorite (the slides come in at a close second).

Finally, I'm caught up to today!! This morning Nicole went to her first swimming lesson. She cried during the whole lesson. I hope it goes better next week! Nicole is very lucky that Nick is working in Chino on a side job, so he is able to be a part of her swimming lesson!

After swimming lessons we went to a splash park in Corona for a playdate with her painting buddies. Nicole preferred looking at the nonwater playground than being part of the splash park.

But I was able to get her in the water long enough for two pictures!

1 comment:

  1. I love the blog! It looks like you guys are staying busy and having fun. Love, Mom
